Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I'm taking the plunge...

I will start out being completely honest: I have lost my desire to read. Typing those words actually makes me nauseous, so I have decided to take some action. I felt I needed to do something because I am afraid I am making an impression on my child, which could ultimately turn her off to reading as well.

That beautiful photo of daffodils indicates my commitment to return to reading in a purposeful way. I have chosen six books to start, but may add more along the way. I have to take into consideration that I may not even finish these since my family is in the midst of a major move.

I want to say a few words about the books I chose, before I post the list. Two of the six, I have previously started. For one reason or another they didn't get finished, so I am attempting them again. One reason I think they didn't get completed was that I was checking them out from the library and couldn't get them finished in time! Instead of incurring hefty library fines, I decided to just buy them! And, with a 20% Barnes & Noble discount I probably saved $, LOL. Two of the books I chose are library copies, but they are light non-fiction that I can whip through in a few days (at least before they are due in two weeks!)

That said, here's the list....drum roll please!

Hard Stuff!
Atlas Shrugged-Ayn Rand
Brave New World-Aldous Huxley
The Time Machine & The Invisible Man-H.G. Wells

Easy Stuff!

Stop Dressing Your Six-Year-Old Like a Skank-Celia Rivenbark
Excuse Me, But I Was Next...-Peggy Post
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (rereading and reading aloud to dd6!)- J.K. Rowling

Well, that's that! I have a few ideas on how I plan to read the "hard stuff", which I will post later this week.


It's alive!

Ok, I failed this blog experience the first time around so I am giving it a second chance. I decided to bring it back to life due to the lack of adult interaction I am currently dealing with. See, my wonderful husband decided to leave me and our crazy six year old daughter to fend for ourselves while he "lives the sweet life" (words from the kids' mouth!) to start his new job in Raleigh, North Carolina. So, I need an outlet for the wacko thoughts that go through my head daily and also a place to share the mundane events of my life. I'm still learning how to set this up the way I want it, so don't get frustrated when you see changes over the next couple of weeks.