Sunday, July 08, 2007

The happy family!

Thought I would share this recent photo of the three of us. It is truly a momentous occasion to get us in a picture and a rarity that the photo actually came out nice! So, here is a peek at our tiny family taken by my fabulous Father-in-law!

Don't you just love the background? This is the view we have every day, plus the woods provide some great birdwatching. We get cardinals, blue jays, woodpeckers, tufted titmouse (or is that titmice?), doves and goldfinches. Of course we have an over-abundance of squirrels who love to eat all the birdseed, but they are entertaining so we have decided to let them stay!

This photo is of Mac at the tea room in downtown Raleigh. Her Meme (my Mother-in-law) likes to take us out to tea when she visits. This is an activity that I never in a million years thought I would enjoy, but now I can't get enough! I want to take Mac while we are on vacation and look forward to the next time Meme can come, too!
